Yesterday, I made a carrot cake! Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of it, as the battery ran out on my camera. The icing went a bit wrong, and came out more like a sauce, but it still tasted OK. We had some after tea and Phil and Angela's, which was a very tasty fish
lasagna and garlic bread made by Angela, and then went to the quiz and won! Maybe I should bake every week from now on, and we might win the quiz more often. Ade took the rest of it to work with him today, and he said they all enjoyed it. I think I'll do another one for when Mum comes to visit, but I'll find another recipe for the icing this time.
Today, I've been fairly busy doing bits and pieces. Here's how the garden is getting on - the radish and lettuce have come up, but there's still no sign of the carrots or spring onions:
I've had to put some canes over them as something was digging the ground up - I think it's probably a squirrel. Yesterday there was still a little bit of soil disturbance, but today it seems to have stayed away. Any squirrel-deterring suggestions welcome though!
The mint and parsley seem to be doing well. I've also planted some basil seeds in the parsley pot, so we'll see what happens there:
The strawberries are doing well, and there are quite a few flowers on them:
The tomato plants haven't died yet!
I've also planted some seeds in some pots and put them on the kitchen windowsill:
After making some ginger beer, which is currently in the airing cupboard brewing away, I blocked out my Lizard Ridge. Looking at
Ravelry, it seems I actually finished knitting it in June last year, so it's been a while!
There wasn't enough room on the bed for all the squares, so I had to put some on the floor:
I think tomorrow I'm going to have a quiet day, as I'm feeling knackered now, and I still haven't watered the plants or cooked dinner. I did think it was going to rain earlier, but it seems to have cleared up now. Hopefully the weather is nice for the weekend, as we're thinking about going fishing on Sunday. It'll be the first time this year, and maybe we'll even catch something this time!